You can search data in CSV Files at speedy and easily by using CSV Searcher.
It has powerful ability for you to specify search conditions quickly and easily, and to recognize the results easily.
You can edit the data by selecting the displayed results of rows or cells.
It is also possible to export the edited data in CSV format.
This is the simple guide of operation of up to use.
First, let’s get start use easily.
This section explains the terms and concepts in CSV Searcher.
This section explains the column type in detail.
Text Type (Text Type / Main Text Type)
Numeric Type (Integer Type / Real Number Type)
Date-Time Type (Date Type / Time Type / Date-Time Type)
Last Update Type (System Reserved)
This section explains the display contents and operation for each type of screen.
This section explains the content and function of the option menu item.
The basic flow of operation of CSV Searcher is follows,
Create a data that has registered the characteristics of the CSV File.
2. Set the CSV Pattern to the Tab
Read the CSV Data from a CSV File in the terminal memory card or other.
4. Search
After the reading is complete, you can perform a search by specifying a search condition.
5. Edit Data
Let’s also performed editing of data from the display column.
6. Write Data
If you want to move the edited data to PC or other, do the writing of the data to CSV File.
All of the basic is over.
In next section, this procedure is described little more finely.
If you want to know the operations and meaning of display for each screen, please refer to the ” Screen List“.
If you want to know the list of option menu and function, please refer to the ” Option Menu List“.
If you want to know the settable column type in CSV Searcher, please refer to the ” Data Specifications“.
In CSV Searcher, before reading the CSV File, you need to create ” CSV Pattern” that defines the configuration of character encoding or
columns type and other.
Once you create the CSV Pattern, you can use many times.
Prepare CSV Pattern in one of the following ways.
Execute “Pattern”-“Create CSV Pattern” of the option menu item, and then create a new CSV Pattern. At that time, specify the following 3 elements.
1. CSV Pattern Setting Item |
CSV Pattern name | Enter the name of the data such as “customer list”, “library List” and etc. |
CSV File name | Specify the CSV File to be read in the “ File Selection Dialog“. |
Char encoding | Specify the character encoding used in the CSV File. |
Note: | Set details as other necessary. For more information, please refer to the description of “CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
2. Columns List |
Columns List | This is a list of all the columns that are managed by this pattern. The underlying list of column editing such as creation and deletion. First, at this list, register all columns to be managed by the CSV Pattern.There are some types of columns such as text or number. Set the type properly depending on the item in the CSV File you want to import.If you are unsure, set to “text type”, and then you can read it. When set to “main text type“, it will be displayed larger in the lower row. |
Read Column Order | Specify the column order to be read from the CSV File.
Select a column from “Columns List“ to create order. |
Show Column Order | Specify the column order to show on search result.
Select a column from “Columns List“ to create order. |
Note: | For more information, please refer to the description of “Column Edit” screen and “Data Specifications“. |
3. Decorations |
Decoration | “Decoration” is a feature to make it easy to recognize the results, by modify the text color and background color of rows and columns by the specified conditions.For example, if you set a decoration: {Display the “region” column by red text color when the value of the “risk” column was the “A+”}, it becomes hard to overlook “danger area” from search results.At any time you can add and edit decorations. For more information, please refer to the description of “Decorations List” screen. |
Execute “Pattern”-“Import CSV Pattern” of the option menu item, and then CSV Pattern is read from file.
You can export the CSV Pattern created in the “Create New CSV Pattern” to a file.
Such as by reading the CSV Pattern file that you created in the backup or that was made earlier on other terminal, the setting of the CSV Pattern is
For more information, please refer to the description of “Import CSV Pattern” of option menu item.
Select the tab, execute “Pattern”-“Select CSV Pattern” of the option menu item, and select the pattern you want to use.
Multiple CSV Patterns can be used at the same time by switching in multiple tabs.
Of course, it is also possible to use the same CSV Pattern in multiple tabs. For example, to narrow down the search results in the “State” on this tab,
also to sort the search results by “population” on another tab, and so on.
Execute “Data”-“Read CSV File” of the option menu item, read the CSV Data from a CSV File that set in the CSV Pattern.
Depending on the terminal performance and data size, it might read processing is longer. It is also possible to temporarily interrupt in such a case.
Even in interrupted state, it is possible to search the read data. But, because the database has not been adjusted (index generation), it might take a long
time to search.
For more information, please refer to the description of “Read CSV File” of option menu item.
Let the search by specifying various search condition!
For more information, please refer to the description of “Main” and “ Search Condition Edit” screen.
You can choose and edit row from the search results and add a new row data and remove the row.
For more information, please refer to the description of “Main” screen.
By writing of data, you can move the editing results to the PC, or you can take a backup of all data.
For more information, please refer to the description of “Write Modified Data” and “Write All Data” of option menu item.
This section explains concepts and terms used in CSV Searcher.
In this software, you can use some CSV Files at the same time.
Each of the CSV File has a unique setting: type and order of the data in the column, the type of character encoding, header existence and etc.
That of those specific settings is called the CSV Pattern, set before reading the CSV Data.
CSV Pattern is able to write to file, and it can read in this software of other terminal.
It is a text file that written by the data in comma separated, and generally have the extension “.csv”.
In general, it is a form to record the data of the same item in the column of the same delimiter position of each line, and a single line of text
represents one record.
The format of the CSV File that can be handled by this software will be compliant RFC4180. However, it will have an extension of the following.
l In the line that ends with a comma, the last term is regarded as null text.
l External space of data enclosed in double quotes is allowed (trimmed).
l In one line, a mix of the presence or absence of double quotation marks is allowed.
It is a defined data in the CSV File.
At read a CSV File, if the type of data could not be interpreted, the reading process is interrupted, and error line number is displayed.
Empty string data will be read as follows: as an empty string in case of text type: as undefined value in case of the other type.
All date-time type of data will be converted to a canonical expression.
“Tab” manages the set of one CSV Pattern and the search condition.
By selecting the tab index at the bottom of the screen, you can switch a multiple tabs instantly.
You can create any number of tab. It is also possible to create tabs of different CSV Pattern at the same time.
When you create or delete a tab, CSV Pattern or data is not affected. Conversely, if you edit the CSV Data and CSV Pattern at a certain tab, it will be
reflected in all of the tabs that same CSV Pattern is being used.
“Condition Search“ always will be specific to the tab. But “Text Search“ is possible to use in common for all tabs by the switch.
This is the search process on the condition that a specific column with a particular value.
Depending on the type of column, it is a comparison conditions and vague conditions can be specified.
Refine your search by superimposing multiple conditions (AND search) is possible.
In the case other than a column of text –based type, when the cell is tapped, the value of the cell is added to search conditions (Filtering). When the
already same condition exists, remove from the search conditions.
In “Search Condition Edit” screen, it is also possible to
edit the search conditions in detail.
This is the search process on the condition that a row contains the specified string.
If the search string arranging a space delimited, Refine Search is possible superimposed multiple conditions (AND search).
Search results will be updated each time a character input (Incremental search).
Only the columns of text -based type are included in the target of text search.
By the setting, it is possible to include the category value of the category type of the column at text search.
In text search, ASCII characters are not case sensitive.
In the interior, the search target data has been applied to Unicode normalization. Therefore, characters that are considered the same character by Unicode
normalization will hit in text search. Example: hit Search character “2” to “②”.
Similarly, it will hit the part of the synthetic character. Example: hit Search character “C” to “Ç”.
Furthermore, in Japanese, the search will be hit without distinction case- sensitive, full-size, half-size, the hiragana and katakana.
When you tap the text –based type cell, the value of the cell is added to searching text. However in the case of empty and it will not be added.
Search text entry field will persist the specific inputted text for each tab. However, it is always possible to switch as used in common for all tabs.
When you press the BW (back word) button, input characters are deleted word by word (space delimited).
This section explains data types (column types) used in CSV Searcher.
In the case of unsure, if you set the “text type”, you can read all data. However, the appropriate setting of column type need for efficient operation and
the search.
Value | Character string |
Text Search | Target |
Undefined Value | Not allowed |
New Row Value | Null string |
New Column Value | Null string for corresponding column of the existing row |
Null at Reading | Convert to null string |
Note | The main text type can be set in only one column of the CSV Pattern. Since the main text type is displayed larger in the lower search results rows, it is desirable to set the main information (Example: book title).The wildcard character is available in search condition.“?“: Matches any single character. Ex) “C?V“: Matches “CSV”, “C3V” etc.“*“: Matches any characters. Ex) “C*V“: Matches “CV”, “CSV”, ”Cntl+V” etc.“[]”: Matches any of the specified characters. Ex) “C[SR]V”: Matches “CSV” or “CRV”.“-”: Range specification. Ex) “C[0-9]V”: Matches “C0V”, “C1V” etc. “^”: Negation. Ex) “C[^S]V”: Matches “CAV”, “CTV” etc. Except “S”. |
Comparison Operators |
contains | True if the specified string is included as part of the column value.
Unlike “Text Search“, it does not correspond to the notation shaking, specified characters are compared directly. |
not contains | Negation operator of above. |
equals to | True if the specified string exactly match the column value.
Unlike “Text Search“, it does not correspond to the notation shaking, specified characters are compared directly. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. |
Value | Selection of the registered category value |
Text Search | Not target (switchable for target by settings) |
Undefined Value | Allowed |
New Row Value | Undefined value |
New Column Value | Undefined value for corresponding column of the existing row |
Null at Reading | Convert to selection of category value of category “null string“ |
Undefined Value at Writing | Convert to null string |
Note | First, register patterns of string used repeatedly (For example, manufacturer name, etc) as category value, then the value set to choice that.Category values can be edited, added and deleted.If the category value is edited, it is also reflected in the data in use.For more information, please refer to the description of “ Category Values List” screen. |
Comparison Operators |
equals to | True if the specified category is selected as the column value. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always. |
not sets | True if the column value is undefined. |
sets | Negation operator of above. |
Value | Numerical value |
Text Search | Not target |
Undefined Value | Allowed |
New Row Value | Undefined value |
New Column Value | Undefined value for corresponding column of the existing row |
Null at Reading | Convert to undefined value |
Undefined Value at Writing | Convert to null string |
Note | Notation and precision of the number complies with the notation in Long#parseLong and Double#parseDouble on Java language. |
Comparison Operators |
equals to | True if the specified numeric value is equal to the column value. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always. |
greater or equals | True if the column value is greater than or equal to the specified numeric value. |
greater than | True if the column value is greater than to the specified numeric value (Not including the specified numeric value). |
less or equals | True if the column value is less than or equal to the specified numeric value. |
less than | True if the column value is less than to the specified numeric value (Not including the specified numeric value). |
not sets | True if the column value is undefined. |
sets | Negation operator of above. |
Value | Date-time value |
Text Search | Not target |
Undefined Value | Allowed |
New Row Value | Undefined value |
New Column Value | Undefined value for corresponding column of the existing row |
Null at Reading | Convert to undefined value |
Undefined Value at Writing | Convert to null string |
Note | Date type format: “yyyy-mm-dd” (ex 2016-12-31). Time type format: “hh:mm:ss” (ex 23:59:59). Date-time: this combination.
You can also use “/” and “.” for as delimiter of the date type format. You can specify partial match conditions by using a wildcard. “?“: Matches any single character. Ex) “201?-01-01“: Matches the New Year’s Day of 2010’s. “*“: Matches any characters. Ex) “*-01“: Matches on the first day of every month. |
Comparison Operators |
contains | True if the column value matches the specified date and time including wildcards.
If the specified date and time does not include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
not contains | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always.
If the specified date and time does not include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
equals to | True if the column value equals to the specified date and time not including wildcards.
If the specified date and time include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always.
If the specified date and time include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
on and after | True if the column value is on and after the specified date and time. |
after | True if the column value is after the specified date and time (Not including the specified date and time). |
on or before | True if the column value is on or before the specified date and time. |
before | True if the column value is before the specified date and time (Not including the specified date and time). |
not sets | True if the column value is undefined. |
sets | Negation operator of above. |
Value | Boolean value (two values) |
Text Search | Not target |
Undefined Value | Allowed |
New Row Value | Undefined value |
New Column Value | Undefined value for corresponding column of the existing row |
Null at Reading | Convert to undefined value |
Undefined Value at Writing | Convert to null string |
Note | Representation value (Example: “TRUE”-“FALSE”, “male”-“female”, etc), can be changed at any time in “ Column Edit” screen.
The initial value of the representation value is “TRUE”-“FALSE”. Reading of data other than the representation value is treated as an undefined value. |
Comparison Operators |
equals to | True if the column value equals to the specified representation value. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always. |
not sets | True if the column value is undefined. |
sets | Negation operator of above. |
When the CSV Pattern is creates, system reserved columns are created automatically. Its value is calculated automatically. You cannot edit and delete and
change name and read data from file for the system reserved column.
You can switch the viewing of the system reserved column, such as presence or absence of display and color.
Value | Integer |
Text Search | Not target |
New Row Value | Automatic generation id is set. |
Note | It corresponds to the row id on the internal database. |
Comparison Operators |
equals to | True if the column value equals to the specified id. |
Value | Boolean value (“Updated” / “Not”) |
Text Search | Not target |
New Row Value | “Updated” * See below |
Note | The initial value generated in “Read CSV File“ is “Not”.
The initial value generated in other way is “Updated”. This value of the edited row will be set to “Updated”. |
Comparison Operators |
equals to | True if the column value equals to the specified value. |
Value | Date-time value |
Text Search | Not target |
New Row Value | Generation date and time |
Note | Last edit date and time
For more information, please refer to the description of “Date-Time Type”. |
Comparison Operators |
contains | True if the column value matches the specified date and time including wildcards.
If the specified date and time does not include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
not contains | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always.
If the specified date and time does not include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
equals to | True if the column value equals to the specified date and time not including wildcards.
If the specified date and time include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
not equals to | Negation operator of above. Undefined value will match always.
If the specified date and time include wildcard, it is not selectable. |
on and after | True if the column value is on and after the specified date and time. |
after | True if the column value is after the specified date and time (Not including the specified date and time). |
on or before | True if the column value is on or before the specified date and time. |
before | True if the column value is before the specified date and time (Not including the specified date and time). |
Displays the search results, it is a screen to be used in the main.
You can switch many “Main” screen by tap tab located in bottom.
Current tab selection and search conditions of each tab, column sorting, list position is saved, at the time of restart to reproduce the state at the time
of the end.
Title | Display the CSV Pattern name and the count of search result of the current conditions. |
Search Results Header | Column title will appear in the order.
Sort the search results by the column order when the title is tapped. Each time it is tapped, switch the sort order: ascend, descend or without sort. Sort order is as follows. Text type and category type dictionary order, numeric comparison order, date and time type chronological order. By dragging the near boundary of the cell after long tap, the column width is changed. Column width is common to all tabs to use the same CSV Pattern. |
Search Result List | Search results are displayed.
Basically, 1 row of data is displayed in two lines. The main text is displayed in the lower line and the other columns are in the upper. When the cell is tapped, the value of the cell is added to search conditions (Filtering). In the case of text–based type, the value is added to “Text Search”, otherwise to “Condition Search”. In the case of conditions search, if the same condition is already there in the search condition, you can remove it by tap. “Cell Menu“ appears when the cell is long tapped. |
Condition Search Button | Search conditions of the current tab appear as a button text.
You can edit “Condition search” conditions in detail in “ Search Condition Edit“ screen by tap this |
Text Search Switch Button | Switch the target of input of “Text Search Input Field”. Each tab, or common for all tabs.
If switching to common, because the practical reflection to each tab is performed at the time of opening the tab, each tab holds unique Using this effect can also be used as a copy function of text search input field. |
Text Search Input Field | Enter the character to be used for the text search.
If the search string arranging a space delimited, Refine Search is possible superimposed multiple conditions (AND search). Search results will be updated each time a character input (Incremental search). |
Text Search Word Delete Button | For each tap, the input text of “Text Search Input Field“ will be removed from the back with a space character separator unit. |
Tab | Switch the tab to be displayed by tapping.
The name is displayed if the name is attached to the tab; the current search condition is displayed otherwise. “Tab Menu“ appears when the tab is long tapped. |
Edit Cell | You can edit column data directly by “Row Data Edit Dialog” in response to the column type of cell.Edits will be saved at the time of closing the dialog by “update”.Usable if “Allow to Edit” is enabled in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
Copy Value | Cell contents are copied to the clipboard as text data. |
Web Search | Search the cell contents on the Web. |
Edit Row | Move to “Row Data Edit” screen for the tapped row.
Usable if “Allow to Edit” is enabled in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
Add New Row | Move to “Row Data Edit” screen, the new row registration will be possible.Usable if “Allow to Add” is enabled in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
Delete Row | Remove the row data including the tapped cell.
Usable if “Allow to Delete” is enabled in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
Close | Close this menu. |
Copy | A new tab will be added to the screen. CSV Pattern and search conditions and sorted state in the current tab will be copied to the tab.
Empty tab can not be copied. |
Left Shift | Swap the position of the current tab and the left tab. |
Right Shift | Swap the position of the current tab and the right tab. |
Delete | Delete the current tab.
Empty tab can not be deleted. Even if the tab has been deleted, CSV Pattern and CSV Data will not be deleted. |
Rename | Enter the index text to the current tab.
If set to null, the current search conditions are displayed as a tab index. |
Close | Close this menu. |
It is a screen to edit the conditions of “Condition Search“ in detail.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
It is possible discard the editing to close the screen by back button on terminal.
Search Condition List | This is a list of the current search conditions.
Open “Search Condition Edit Dialog” by “Search Condition Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Create Button | Create a new search condition.
Select the column in the dialog, and then enter the details in “Search Condition Edit Dialog” for each |
Delete all Button | Delete all of the search conditions in the list. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Create | Create a new search condition.
This is the same behavior as the “Create Button”. |
Edit | Open the “Search Condition Edit Dialog” for tapped row.For more information, please refer to the description of “ Search Condition Edit Dialog”. |
Delete | Delete the selected condition. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This dialog box is used to edit the search condition.
Function of the dialog is slightly different depending on the type of column.
It is very similar to the “Row Data Edit Dialog“.
The main difference is that there is an input of the comparison operators.
Title | Show the name of the target column of the condition in editing. |
Selection Area | Different content depending on the type of column.
* See below for details. |
History Spinner | Input history list of conditions value for this column is displayed. It is possible to select and input from there.
The initial value of the number of preservation of history is 5. If limit is over, it will disappear from the old history. “History Management Dialog“ appears It should be noted; Boolean type does not manage history. |
Comparison Operator Spinner | Choose comparison operator usable in this column.
Depending on the selected operator, the selection of conditions value of the selection area might be released. |
Save Button | Save the edit and close the dialog.
Save button is not available in the state of invalid input. |
Cancel Button | Discard the edit and close the dialog.
Back button on the terminal runs same. |
Text Input Field | Input a text of condition value.
Unlike “Text Search“, it does not correspond to the notation shaking, specified characters are compared directly. |
Symbol Buttons | Input wildcard characters.
[ ? ]: Wildcard to represent any one character [ * ]: Wildcard to represent any of the string [ [ ] ]: Character enumeration or escape of wildcard [ – ]: Range specification of characters in character enumeration [ ^ ]: Negation of character enumeration |
Category Value List | Select a category value for condition. |
Refine Field | Refine the category value list to include the input character.
It corresponds to the notation shaking. |
Number Input Field | Input a number of condition value. |
+/- Change Button | Each time it is pressed, to switch the sign of the criteria entered value. |
Decimal Point Button | Input a decimal point.
It does not appear in Integer Type. |
Date-Time Input Field | Input a date-time of condition value.
You can use wildcards. |
Symbol Buttons | Input a delimiter and wildcard.
Available symbols are displayed in that type. [ – ]: Delimiter for date [ : ]: Delimiter for time [ . ]: Decimal point for seconds [ ]: Delimiter for between the date and time(space) [ * ]: Wildcard to represent any of the string [ ? ]: Wildcard to represent any one character |
Boolean Value List | Select a Boolean value for condition. |
Conform to the Integer Type.
Conform to the Boolean Type.
Conform to the Date-Time Type.
This is a screen to edit the column data at list of row.
Edit the data in dialog that opens when you select the column you want to edit.
Until you press the update button, edits will not be saved.
It is possible discard the editing to close the screen by back button on terminal.
Row Data List | The order of the data is the order of the “ Columns List” screen.
“Row Data Edit Dialog” in response to the column However, you can not edit the value of the system reserved column. “Row Data Edit Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Update Button | Update the edited data and close the screen.
Save button is not available in the state of invalid input or undefined data. |
Close Button | After the confirmation dialog, and close the screen by discarding the current editing content.
Back button on the terminal runs same. |
Edit | “Row Data Edit Dialog” in response to the column type is displayed by tap, you can edit the column data. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This dialog box is used to edit the CSV Data of row.
Function of the dialog is slightly different depending on the type of column.
You can not edit the value of the system reserved column.
It is very similar to the “Search Condition Edit Dialog“.
The main difference is that there is not an input of the comparison operators.
Title | Show the name of the target column value in editing. |
Edit Area | Different content depending on the type of column.
* See below for details. |
History Spinner | Input history list of edit value for this column is displayed. It is possible to select and input from there.
The initial value of the number of preservation of history is 5. If limit is over, it will disappear from the old history. “History Management Dialog“ appears It should be noted; Boolean type does not manage history. |
Update Button | Save the edit and close the dialog.
Update button is not available in the state of invalid input. |
Cancel Button | Discard the edit and close the dialog.
Back button on the terminal runs same. |
Text Input Field | Input a text of column value.
Unlike “Text Search“, it does not correspond to the notation shaking, specified characters are compared directly. |
Category Value List | Select a category value for column. |
Refine Field | Refine the category value list to include the input character.
It corresponds to the notation shaking. |
Text Input Field | Create a new category value and select it. |
Number Input Field | Input a number of column value. |
+/- Change Button | Each time it is pressed, to switch the sign of the criteria entered value. |
Decimal Point Button | Input a decimal point.
It does not appear in Integer Type. |
Date-Time Input Field | Input a date-time of column value.
You can not use wildcards. |
Symbol Buttons | Input a delimiter and wildcard.
Available symbols are displayed in that type. [ – ]: Delimiter for date [ : ]: Delimiter for time [ . ]: Decimal point for seconds [ ]: Delimiter for between the date and time(space) |
Boolean Value List | Select a Boolean value for column. |
You can manage the input history function at this dialog for “Search Condition Edit Dialog” and “ Row Data Edit Dialog”.
History data is managed for each column of each CSV Pattern.
Max Histories | Set the number of history data to be saved. |
Forget All Button | Immediately clear the history data stored. |
Save Button | Save the edit and close the dialog. |
This is a screen to edit the settings of CSV Pattern that set on the current tab.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Basic |
Name Field | Set a pattern name. |
Font Size | Set the display character size of the search results.
Initial value is 16. |
Text Color | Set the text color of the search result.
Initial value is white. |
Bg Color | Set the background color of the search result.
Initial value is black. |
Frame Color | Set the cell frame color of the search result.
Initial value is gray. |
Divider Size | Set the display row divide line size of the search results.
Initial value is 3. |
CSV File Settings |
CSV Data File Name | Using “File Select Dialog”, set the CSV File name to read. |
Char Encoding | Set the char encoding of CSV File.
Initial value is the standard char encoding of the terminal. Char encoding names that are not available in the terminal can not be saved. You can enter by choose from setting history. |
Newline Char | Set the newline char of CSV File.
Initial value is the standard newline char of the terminal. Examine the newline character at the time of the CSV File is read , and then change to the correct newline character automatically. At the time of write of CSV Data, this newline character setting is used. |
Delete Old Data When Read Files | Set whether to delete the current data, when reading a CSV File.
The initial value is “invalid”. If you want to replace the data in the complete data set every time, this setting is convenient. |
Clear Update When Read Files | Set whether to clear the update flag of current data, when reading a CSV File.
The initial value is “invalid”. If you want to add the difference update data every time, this setting is convenient. |
Ignore CSV Header | Set whether to ignore the first line of CSV File as header, when reading a CSV File.
The initial value is “valid”. |
Trim CSV Data | Set whether to trim unnecessary white space of the front and rear of the data, when reading a CSV File.
The initial value is “valid”. |
Reading CSV File is Interrupted | If the CSV File read process is interrupted, record it.
If you want to cancel the interruption in order to read file from the beginning, remove the check. |
Interruption Line | If you interrupt the CSV Data reading process, records the position of row.
Position to be recorded is the physical row in the file, not the logical row of CSV Data (If there is a data item that contains a newline Although you can read CSV File from any position by editing this number, please do set with a good understanding of the operation. |
Row Data Edit Settings |
Allow to Edit | Allow editing of the data.
The initial value is “invalid”. |
Allow to Add | Allow adding of the data.
The initial value is “invalid”. You can not set allow in case of invalid of “Allow to Edit”. |
Allow to Delete | Allow deleting of the data.
The initial value is “invalid”. You can not set allow in case of invalid of “Allow to Edit”. |
Settings of Writing of Updated Data |
File Name | Using “File Select Dialog”, set the file name to write CSV Data. |
Delete Update Data after Writing | Set whether to delete the write data from the current data, after write CSV Data.
The initial value is “invalid”. |
Delete Update Data after Writing | Set whether to clear the update flag of write data, after write CSV Data.
The initial value is “invalid”. |
Schema Edit Settings |
Allow to Add and Delete | Allow creating and deleting of the column.
The initial value is “valid”. If you want to create or delete a column in after a configuration change, you must save the settings at first. |
Columns Button | Open “Columns List” screen. |
Decoration Edit Button | Open “Decorations List” screen. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog. |
This is the dialog for selecting color.
Generate a color directly by the slider, or choose color from list.
You can also select colors from the history.
Title | Displays the item name for color selecting. |
Current Color View | Displays the color that is currently selected. |
Color Slider | Edit the current color view by changing the slider of the percentage of RGB3 primary colors. |
Color Select List | When you tap the color bar of a list item, that color will be selected to the current color view.
Slider position will also be changed depending on the current color view. Color selected by the OK button is displayed at the top of the list as a selection history at next selection. |
OK Button | Select the color of the current color view, and close the dialog. |
Cancel Button | Discard the select and close the dialog.
Back button on the terminal runs same. |
This is the dialog for selecting file.
Tap the file you want to select from the list of files in a folder.
If file is selected currently, displays that file on the list.
Title | Displays the item name for file selecting. |
Folder Name | Displays the current folder location. |
Up button | Move to the upper folder.
If access is forbidden, you can not move to upper. |
File List | Displays the file list of the current folder.
When you tap the file, select the file and close the dialog. If access is forbidden, you can not select the file. Subfolders will be displayed at the top of the list and added a “/” to the end of file name. When you tap the subfolder, move the current folder to the subfolder. If access is forbidden, you can not move to the subfolder. |
Cancel Button | Discard the select and close the dialog. |
This is the screen to list and edit the columns that defined at the CSV Pattern set on current tab.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog. However, column delete operation can not be
Column List | List of the columns defined at the CSV Pattern.
Move to “Column Edit” screen by tap. “Column List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Create Button | Create new column.
You can not create in case of invalid of “Allow to Add and Delete” on “Schema Edit Settings”. Select the type of the column you want to create by column type selection dialog. New column that is named as “column” + sequential number is created to the end of the column list. Then, edit the column. When you create a new column, initial value will be set for that column of the existing row data. According to the column type, an empty |
Read Order Button | Move to “Read Column Order” screen. |
Show Order Button | Move to “Show Column Order” screen. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Create | Create new column.
This is the same behavior as the “Create Button”. |
Edit | Move to “Column Edit” screen. |
Delete | Delete the selected column, after the confirmation dialog.
You can not select this item in case of invalid of “Allow to Add and Delete” on “Schema Edit Settings”. Data of the deleted column are removed all, you can not restore. It will be removed at the same time also from “Read Column Order” and “Show Column Order“. All search conditions and decorations including the deleted column will be removed. Since the re-creation of the data structure in the background is done, you might have an impact on performance and mass consumption of |
Up | Move up the order of the selected column.
System reserved columns can not be moved. Column order affects this screen and “ Row Data Edit” screen only, does not affect the |
Down | Same as above, move down the order of the selected column. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to list and edit the Read Column Order of the CSV Pattern set on current tab.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Column List | Set the corresponding relationship between the sequence of data in the CSV File and the columns of CSV Pattern.
System reserved columns can not be set for read. Move to “Column Edit” screen by tap. “Read Column Order List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Add Button | Add column to Read Column Order.
Select the column you want to add from the columns that has not been yet added by using the column select dialog. You can not add when there is no column that can be added. Column will be added to the list at the end. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Add | Add a column that has not been yet added to the end of the list.
This is the same behavior as the “Add button”. |
Edit | Move to “Column Edit” screen. |
Delete | Delete a column from the Read Column Order list. |
Up | Move up the order of the selected column. |
Down | Move down the order of the selected column. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to list and edit the Show Column Order of the CSV Pattern set on current tab.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Column List | Set the order of the columns to be displayed in “Search Results List” of “Main” screen.
Regardless of the setting order here, “Main Text” is displayed on the lower row. System reserved columns can also be set. Move to “Column Edit” screen by tap. “Show Column Order List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Add Button | Add column to Show Column Order.
Select the column you want to add from the columns that has not been yet added by using the column select dialog. You can not add when there is no column that can be added. Column will be added to the list at the end. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Add | Add a column that has not been yet added to the end of the list.
This is the same behavior as the “Add Button”. |
Edit | Move to “Column Edit” screen. |
Delete | Delete a column from the Show Column Order list. |
Up | Move up the order of the selected column. |
Down | Move down the order of the selected column. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to edit the selected column of the current CSV Pattern.
By column type has a unique configuration information.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Basic |
Name Field | Set the column name that is displayed at ”Search Results Header”. |
Column Text Color Checkbox | Set whether to use dedicated text color of the column.
The initial value is “invalid”. This setting takes precedence over the text color in the CSV Pattern setting, but it does not take precedence over the text color |
Column Text Color | Set the dedicated text color of the column by “Color Select Dialog“.
The initial value is white. |
Column BG Color Checkbox | Set whether to use dedicated background color of the column.
The initial value is “invalid”. This setting takes precedence over the background color in the CSV Pattern setting, but it does not take precedence over the background |
Column BG Color | Set the dedicated background color of the column by “Color Select Dialog“.
The initial value is black. |
Text-Type Settings |
Ellipsize Middle of Text | Set ellipsize the middle of text instead of the end.
The initial value is FALSE. |
Boolean-Type Settings |
Alternative Text of TRUE | Set the text that is displayed for case of TRUE.
The initial value is TRUE. |
Alternative Text of FALSE | Set the text that is displayed for case of FALSE.
The initial value is FALSE. |
Category-Type Settings |
Text Search Target | Set whether to target the value of category of this column for text search.
The initial value is “invalid”. If you set this setting on, the performance of the search speed will be worse. Example: For a category column of kind of animals, the row containing the “Caterpillar” does not usually hit by text search for “Cat”. But |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
This is the screen to list and edit the decorations of the CSV Pattern set on current tab.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Decoration List | Display the decorations in order of priority.
Display contents are decorated names, decoration conditions and decoration sample from the top. If the decoration specified to the same column in a plurality of decorative setting has occurred, it will be the highest priority Move to “Decoration Edit” screen by tap. “Decoration List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Create Button | New Decoration that is named as “Decoration” + sequential number is created to the end of the decoration list (lowest priority). |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Create | Create a new decoration.
This is the same behavior as the “Create Button”. |
Edit | Move to “Decoration Edit” screen. |
Delete | Delete the selected decoration. |
Up | Raise the priority of the selected decoration. |
Down | Lower the priority of the selected decoration. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to edit the decoration.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Name Field | Set the decoration name. |
Conditions List | List of the current search conditions.
Open “Search Condition Edit Dialog” by “Search Condition Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Sample View List | This sample display the appearance of the current decoration set in real data. |
Column Select Spinner | Choose the target column of this decoration.
When you select the “Whole Row” of the bottom of list, decoration will affect to the all the columns of the row. The initial value is “Whole Row”. |
Text Color Checkbox | Set whether to use the decorated text color.
The initial value is “invalid”. |
Text Color Select Button | Set the decorated text color by “Color Select Dialog“.
The initial value is white. |
BG Color Checkbox | Set whether to use the decorated background color.
The initial value is “invalid”. |
BG Color Select Button | Set the decorated background color by “Color Select Dialog“.
The initial value is Black. |
Create Button | Create a new search condition.
Select the column in the dialog, and then enter the details in “Search Condition Edit Dialog” for each column type. |
Delete All Button | Delete all of the search conditions in the list. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Create | Create a new search condition.
This is the same behavior as the “Create Button”. |
Edit | Open the “Search Condition Edit Dialog” for tapped row.For more information, please refer to the description of “ Search Condition Edit Dialog”. |
Delete | Delete the selected condition. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to list the category-type columns of the CSV Pattern set on current tab.
Category-Type Columns List | Move to “Category Values List” screen by tap.“Category-Type Columns List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Close button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Edit | Move to “Category Values List” screen. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to list and edit values of the category-type column.
Edited category value is saved immediately at the time you accept an edit.
Category Value List | Open category value edit dialog by tap.
“Category Value List Menu“ appears when row is long tapped. |
Create Button | Create a new category value and register in the dialog. |
Registered Button | Sort the category value list by registration date. |
Dictionary Button | Sort the category value list by dictionary order. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Create | Create a new category value.
This is the same behavior as the “Create Button”. |
Edit | Open category value edit dialog. |
Delete | Delete the selected category value.
You can not delete the value that is used in the conditions and the decorations. |
Close | Close this menu. |
This is the screen to edit the overall setting of this application.
Save settings when the screen is closed by “Close Button”.
If you close the screen by back button on terminal, you can discard the editing after the confirmation dialog.
Time to Turns off Screen | Set the number of seconds until the “Main” screen turns off with no operation.
If you set a short time from the terminal settings, terminal settings take precedence. Turn off time of the other screens is depend on The initial value is 30 seconds. Does not turn off if set to 0. |
First Fetching Count from Search Results | Set the data count listed on the screen at a time from the search results. The rest of the search results will be displayed when you scroll to the edge of the screen.The initial value is 50.List the whole result if set to 0. But depending on the number of results may take some time to display the search results.If you set extremely small number as “1”, the appropriate number will be recalculated many times for each display, it may take some time to display the result.Do not change the settings if you not understand the operation correctly. |
Suppress Automatic Rotation of Screen | When enabled, suppress automatic rotation of the screen.
The orientation of setting time is set. |
Apply Text Search Text in Common | When enabled, the input data of the text search input field, will be used in common by all of the tab.
If switching to common, because the practical reflection to each tab is performed at the time of opening the tab, each tab holds unique Using this effect can also be used as a copy function of text search input field. |
End User License Agreement | Record the consent of the end user license agreement.
You can not edit. |
Close Button | Save the edit and close the screen. |
Pattern |
Create CSV Pattern | Create a new CSV Pattern.
Move to “CSV Pattern Edit” screen with new data If you want to use the new pattern, please select the tab you want to apply and run “Select CSV Pattern”. |
Select CSV Pattern | Select the CSV Pattern to apply to the current tab from the dialog list. |
Edit CSV Pattern | Move to “CSV Pattern Edit” screen in order to edit the CSV Pattern of the current tab. |
Delete CSV Pattern | Delete the CSV Pattern of the current tab.
Data that was used in the deleted CSV Pattern also all will be deleted. Deleted pattern and data can not be recovered. |
Import CSV Pattern | Import the CSV Pattern file by selecting a file from the file selection dialog.
If the current tab is empty, and then apply to the current tab. Otherwise, please select the tab you want to apply and run “Select CSV Pattern”. |
Export CSV Pattern | Export the CSV Pattern of the current tab as the CSV Pattern file by selecting a file from the file selection dialog.
In the case of a file that already exists, overwrite confirmation dialog will show. |
Data |
Read CSV File | Read the CSV Data for the current CSV Pattern from the CSV File set at “CSV File Settings” in “CSV Pattern Edit” screen.
“Read CSV File” progress dialog is shown during reading. In the following cases, the reading will be temporarily suspended; press the Cancel button on the progress dialog; press the Home button on Except in case of cancellation by the cancel button, if you restart the CSV search, reading will be resumption. In the case of cancellation by the cancel button, please run the “Read CSV File” menu again for resumption. If data interpretation error occurred, the reading process stop and display the error line number. |
Add New Row | Move to “Row Data Edit” screen with new blank row in order to register a new row data.You can not run this menu in case of invalid of “Allow to Add” in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen. |
Write Modified Data | Write modified data in the CSV Pattern of the current tab to the file.
“Settings of Writing of Updated Data” in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen is used. Data that you create by “Add New Row”, are considered to be modified data. Columns and their order of export will be the same as “Read Column Order” list. “Write CSV File” progress dialog is shown during writing. In the following cases, the writing will be temporarily suspended; press the Cancel button on the progress dialog; press the Home button on Except in case of cancellation by the cancel button, if you restart the CSV search, writing will be resumption. In the case of cancellation by the cancel button, please run the “Write Modified Data” menu again for resumption. |
Write All | Write all data in the CSV Pattern of the current tab to the file.
“Settings of Writing of Updated Data” in “ CSV Pattern Edit” screen is used. This is the same behavior as the “Write Modified Data” except that the target is all data. |
Delete CSV Data | Delete all data in the CSV Pattern of the current tab to the file.
Once deleted data can not be recovered. Even if the data has been deleted, CSV Pattern and tab settings will not be deleted. |
Edit Categories | Move to “Category-Type Columns List” screen in order to list and edit the category-type columns and their values. |
Tabs |
Copy | A new tab will be added to the screen. CSV Pattern and search conditions and sorted state in the current tab will be copied to the tab.
Empty tab can not be copied. |
Shift to Left | Swap the position of the current tab and the left tab. |
Shift to Right | Swap the position of the current tab and the right tab. |
Delete | Delete the current tab.
Empty tab can not be deleted. Even if the tab has been deleted, CSV Pattern and CSV Data will not be deleted. |
Rename | Enter the index text to the current tab.
If set to null, the current search conditions are displayed as a tab index. |
Decoration |
Decoration | Move to “Decorations List” screen. |
Settings |
CSV Searcher Settings | Move to “CSV Searcher Settings” screen. |
Install Sample Data | This menu item appears in trial version only.
Install the sample data for evaluate CSV Searcher. |
Help |
About app | Display the version. |
DB info | Display the information of the internal DB. |
Manual | Display this manual. |
License | Display the end user license agreement. |